今回は "out"という接頭語を持った語彙を紹介致します。
・The evolving paradigm shift will outlast his presidency.
paradigm shift 「基本構造の変化、根本的な大変革」
evolve 「発展する、進展する」
outlast 「・・より長く続く」
・ The company, founded in 2004, succedded in its earlier years by simply outdoing its
competitors by providing a superior social network including fewer ads and promises
of protecting users' privacy.
outdo 「勝る、凌ぐ」
・Wales is a region where sheep outnumber people and where the protests of steep EU
tariffs being slapped on Welsh lamb exports in no-deal Brexit have prompted
widespread concern among farmers.
outnumber 「・・より数が多い」
steep 「高い、急な」
slap 「課す、平手で打つ」

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